Our Projects


Entrepreneurial Businesses Education and Support for Graduates of AVSI-TVET program in Kayah State

EDNA Myanmar successfully implemented the Entrepreneurial Businesses Education and Support for the graduates of AVSI-TVET program in Demoso Township, Kayah State in July 2018. This short term program was intended for the graduates of the AVSI-TVET program in Kayah mainly for youth from the villages in Demoso Township and parts of Kayah. During the two months project period, 06 classes were opened with 111 participants enrolled from 62 villages.


Pro-poor entrepreneurial business through education & business development initiatives for the DRC Participants in Kachin

EDNA Myanmar in collaboration with the Myanmar Redcross and the generous support of the Danish Redcross, successfully implemented the “Pro-poor entrepreneurial business through education & business development initiatives for the DRC Participants in Kachin”.


Paying Course for employment and self-employment

Entrepreneurship education for start-up enterprises and job skills training are available at reasonable fees for entrepreneurs as well as young graduates wanting quality and practical education in rural Myanmar. The courses are accessible, affordable and mentored by experienced mentors.


Pro-poor entrepreneurial businesses through education & business development initiatives for LVT Graduates in Mon and Kayin states

This project is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Swisscontact. The project was launched in January 2017 in Mon and Kayin states.
Achievement highlights of the program
– 36 classes were opened in 11 townships
– 588 people enrolled in the program. 554 learners/entrepreneurs completed the Cycle 1- Understanding of the different elements of the business
– 393 of these learner entrepreneurs received Mentoring and Enterprise Development Support
– 150 enterprises run by the cohort, of which 71 enterprises were new startups by the participants
– 150 enterprises run by program participants created 300 full-time jobs (including self-employment) and 114 seasonal and part-time jobs in the last twelve months

EDNA Myanmar

Supporting Universities

EDNA works closely with universities across the region and in Myanmar with its collaboration with the broader EDNA partners. This includes supporting business planning competitions with students from National Management College and Yangon University EPP program, working with universities in dry zone on teaching entrepreneurship, and supporting PhD students with research projects and accepting interns from Yangon University of Economics and National Management College.

EDNA Myanmar

Ministry of Commerce – EDNA Myanmar Research Hub

The Ministry of Commerce (MoC) and EDNA Myanmar collaboration started in 2014. The co-operation has broadened and deepened over the years. EDNA Myanmar conducts regular capacity building workshops for ministry staff. The areas of collaboration with MoC, MyanTrade Department includes:

• Supporting the ministry with trade promotion activities and help local SMEs for export readiness (and market access)
• Promoting ‘Made in Myanmar’ products for local and overseas market
• Establishing the MoC- EDNA research hub

EDNA Myanmar

Entrepreneurship Education and Enterprise Development Initiatives for SME members by Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection- Department of Small & Medium Enterprise Development- EDNA Myanmar

EDNA Myanmar has observed that the ecosystem for micro and small enterprises in Myanmar lacks institutional support. While EDNA Myanmar may not be able to address all the needs of the business community, she believes the building capacity of government officers to provide entrepreneurial education and enterprise development initiatives may positively impact and benefit the many SME members across the country. The Ministry of Industries, Development of Small and Medium Enterprise Department and EDNA Myanmar believe that collaboration can change the entrepreneurial landscape in Myanmar.

Grassroots Entrepreneurship Education and Pro-poor Enterprise Development project

Since December 2013, EDNA Myanmar has delivered a unique and powerful program of entrepreneurship education. Our program is different – because of our mentors, our participating entrepreneurs, our education approach, our Enterprise Development Days, and our measurement of our impact.

We now have over 100 Mentors who have been recruited from their communities across Myanmar. They remain based in their communities as change agents and educators. They undergo a two-month Mentor Training followed by five months of ongoing development.